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- No events scheduled for 18th November 2024.
- No events scheduled for 20th November 2024.
- No events scheduled for 22nd November 2024.
- No events scheduled for 23rd November 2024.
- No events scheduled for 24th November 2024.
Week of Events
Geocaching activities part 2
Geocaching activities part 2
Session taking place in the Scout hut. We will be going out of the hut so please bring a torch and dress for the weather (warm coat etc) Also, as per last week please can your scout bring their treasure for the Geocache. The treasure must be small enough to fit in a margarine tub.
We are at the HQ making catapults out of bamboo and string. We are welcoming new Cubs to the group too. If you are able to help, please sign up to the parent rota.